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For Immediate Release
Bridgewater Police Service – Public Update
Date: October 2, 2024

Subject: Public update regarding Pleasant Street emergency call

Bridgewater Police Service wishes to provide an update to the public on the nature of a 911 call received from a Pleasant Street address in Bridgewater last week.

On Thursday, September 26, 2024, both Bridgewater Police and EHS received a 911 call from a reported drug overdose on Pleasant Street.

Police arrived prior to EHS and found a 24-year-old male highly impaired on the third floor of the building. Upon arriving, police also noted that the man had dried blood on him and several facial injuries.

The male became uncooperative and had to be restrained due to his level of impairment and actions. While on scene, an unknown white substance was located on the male. He was walked downstairs and turned over to EHS personnel. The male was then transported to South Shore Regional Hospital for medical treatment. 

Police are required to assist in responding to medical calls with a fair degree of regularity in our community.

In some cases, police may provide simple first aid prior to EHS arriving. In other instances, persons in mental health crisis or those experiencing the affects of unpredictable drug use or impairment can present a more complex situation and can be challenging for both police and medical first responders.

While it is not typical for BPS to issue a public update when responding to such calls, there has been some incorrect information circulating on social media with respect to the above-described call over the past several days that we felt obliged to address.

If you know someone who is in need of assistance for drug addiction or mental health matters, you can find information on support programs available through Nova Scotia Health’s addiction services page at https://www.nshealth.ca/mental-health-and-addictions.

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